Explore Jamaica…. uncovering and sharing its real soul with the world.

On the map, Jamaica is a dot in the Caribbean Sea. But its impact on the world’s culture is the size of a continent. Jamaica is a cultural giant that continues to leave an indelible footprint on the world’s food, music, sport, and literature.
As a visitor when you’re there you live intense, one-of-a-kind, transformative experiences that you’ll remember for a lifetime.
The real story of Jamaica had never been told, which meant that travelers had a very narrow view of the country: beautiful beaches, reggae, and Bob Marley, all-inclusive resorts.
Jamaica is known as the Heartbeat of the World. For the first time, we showed the world the real Jamaica and everything it has to offer: hypnotic music, spiced flavors, thrilling adventures, deep chill, and breathtaking nature.
From a prime-time Super Bowl spot to high-impact billboards around the world to a targeted digital and social media campaign to show your trade brochures, stands, and posters and to a completely new look, despite its size, Jamaica’s influence on the world is large and positioned the country as a leading worldwide destination.
Jamaica Tourist Board is the destination for the marketing organization. Jamaica has the mission to develop and market the tourism industry so that Jamaica remains the premier Caribbean tourist destination.